Saturday, November 3, 2012

Justin Bieber Vs One Direction

Which 1 is your favorite ?

Red Bull Vs Monster Energy Drink

So which 1 do you like and drink ?

Mario Vs Mario Bros

Which game is fun playing Mario or Mariobros?    Don't forget to comment and share  ! Thanks

Galaxy S3 Vs Iphone 5

Galaxy S3
Iphone 5
 Which 1 do you own and what do you like about it?

Floyd Mayweather VS Manny Pacquiao

Floyd Mayweather
   Manny Pacquiao                                                                                                                                                    Who is your favorite manny or floyd and if they ever fought who do you guys think going to win ?

Joke 1 Vs Joke 2 :)

Joke 1 :   A crook mistakenly made a counterfeit $8 bill instead of 10 $ bill. He decided to try it out another way. He went to the teller at the local bank and asked for change .the taller looked at the 8$ bill and gave the crook two 4$ as change.
Joke 2 : President George W. Bush is hit by a strong case of constipation. He sends his Spanish secretary, who knows little English, to the local hospital. She tells the doctor, "Big President Bush, no shit."
The doctor understands and gives him some medicine to take with him.
The next day, the secretary comes back again and says, "Big President, no shit."
The doctor gives him even stronger medicine. A few days later, the secretary comes yet again and says, "Big President, big no shit."
The doctor gives him the strongest medicine he has.
The next day, the secretary comes back to the doctor and says, "Ba-Boom! Big shit, no President."